Aust + NZ Defence Directory 2021-22
John MacLachlan Director Estate Strategy E: P: +64 27 496 6137 Wally Butt E: P: +64 21 243 0641 Heather Staley GM Performance E: P: +64 21 906 492
• OCIO (office of the CIO) • Strategic J6 (SJ6) • Director Service Portfolios’ (DSP) • Director Architecture, Policy and Design (DAPD) • Director of Service Integration (DSI) • Director Business Management (DBM) • Director of CIS Transformation Programme (DCTP) • Director Enterprise Products and Systems (DEPS) The branch is currently implementing a major transformation programme which includes the migration to a new operating model. Roles and responsibilities under the new model will be defined over the next 12 months, led by CIO Air Commodore Carl Nixon. CIS POC Debbie Howarth Director-Industry Engagement P: +64 21 916 382 DEFENCE TECHNOLOGY AGENCY (DTA) DTA is the main provider of research, science and technology support to the New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) and the Ministry of Defence. The Agency supports the NZDF by providing technical and scientific advice that’s based on good scientific practice, is indepen- dent, unbiased, transparent and timely. The technical solutions which are developed are used across the spectrum of Defence opera- tions. We are a business unit of the NZDF, with facilities located at the Devonport Naval Base in Auckland. POINT OF CONTACT: Debbie Howarth Director - Industry Engagement P : +64 21 916 382 E: DEFENCE ESTATE AND INFRASTRUCTURE Defence Estate and Infrastructure is respon- sible for managing all aspects of real estate, facilities management and infrastructure development for the New Zealand Defence Force. It is part of Defence Headquarters in Wellington, with offices and staff located at the nine camps and bases throughout the country. Led by Head of Estate and Infra- structure – Mark Brunton KEY PERSONNEL FOR DAY TO DAY CONTACT ARE AS FOLLOWS : Phil Gurnsey GM Estate Strategy E: P: +64 27 274 3379
terprise Resource Planning environment to accommodate logistic information manage- ment systems operated by the NZDF. POINT OF CONTACT: Mr Morgan Proctor Director Supply Chain Management E: . P: +64 21 245 2809 DEFENCE COMMERCIAL SERVICES (DCS) Defence Commercial Services (DCS) is led by the Chief Commercial Officer, Mr Paul Howard (FCIPS) . DCS is a unit within the wider Joint Defence Service’s portfolio re- sponsible for the provision of commercial ex- pertise to the New Zealand Defence Force to support and influence commercial outcomes including value-for-money, innovation, perfor- mance improvement, efficiency, and risk re- duction all while supporting the effective gen- eration of the New Zealand Defence Force’s outputs. As well as internally, DCS works closely with other government agencies, defence part- ners, and industry including key and critical suppliers. ENQUIRIES: DCS SmartProcure: Government Electronic Tendering: COMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS (CIS) BRANCH Communications Information Systems (CIS) Branch is responsible to the Chief of the Defence Force (CDF) through Chief Joint Defence Services (CJDS) for the provision, maintenance and support of the New Zea- land Defence Information Environment (DIA). The Chief Information Officer (CIO) provides leadership of the Branch through his seven direct reports:
Jason Trimble Director Strategic Partnership E: P: +64 21 932 724 Rob Owen Manager - Environmental Services E: P: +64 27 293 2734 DEFENCE INDUSTRY IN NEW ZEALAND Useful websites related to New Zealand Defence acquisitions, other government departments, and Industry include: Ministry of Defence: This is our Industry Portal. By becoming a registered user companies gain the opportu- nity to engage with others in the Defence in- dustry on a global level, and learn more about working with Defence on our projects. Note however that Defence makes public all of its requests through the Government Elec- tronic Tenders Service (GETS) at www.gets. Registration for GETS and the MOD Industry Portal is free. The New Zealand Defence Industry Advisory Council (NZDIAC) The NZDIAC is a non-statutory Ministerial advisory board comprising of senior defence industry leaders and representatives from the Ministry of Defence and the New Zealand De- fence Force. The Council has a wide brief to • provide national and international defence industry advice to the Minister of Defence; • encourage strategic relationships between Defence and industry; and • act as conduit between the Minister of Defence and industry on defence matters.
www. d e f e n c e . d i r e c t o r y
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