Aust + NZ Defence Directory 2021-22
HEAD QUARTERS DEFENCE LOGISTICS COMMAND (HQ DLC) HQ DLC is led by the Commander Logis- tics, Commodore Andrew Brown (COM- LOG) with his Command HQ located in Wel- lington. HQ DLC provides strategic advice, planning, policy, direction, management of finances, continuous improvement, profes- sional development, international engage- ment and evaluation for its sub Commands. HQ DLC POINT OF CONTACT (POC) FOR INDUSTRY ENGAGEMENT IS: Debbie Howarth Director - Industry Engagement P : +64 21 916 382 E: HQ DLC POINT OF CONTACT (POC) FOR INTERNATIONAL ENGAGEMENT IS: Graeme Wooller, SO1 Multi-National Policy. P: +64 4 496 0248 E: LOGISTICS COMMAND MARITIME (LC(M)) Commanded by Logistics Commander (Mari- time) and based at Devonport Naval Base in Auckland, DLC(M) is the logistic and en- gineering centre of excellence for the NZDF in the Maritime environment. DLC(M) provides the full suite of logistics services necessary to sustain our ships through life, aiming to op- timise its processes, people and resources, to support the evolving needs of the versatile Navy. Sustainable and quality services contin- ue to be provided into the future by exploiting support from industry and concentrating spe- cialist military expertise into areas of greatest benefit to the RNZN. This organisation forms part of the DLC. Logistic Commander (Maritime) is Captain Mark Worsfold LOGISTICS COMMAND LAND (LC(L)) DLC(L) is based in Trentham, Upper Hutt and is responsible for the delivery of effec- tive through life logistic support to Land and Joint capabilities. This is achieved through the provision of land specific design engineering and configuration management, through life equipment management, delivery of logistic support by Lockheed Martin NZ, end to end supply chain management and technical lo- gistic support, advice and policy. Logistics Commander (Land) is COL Ester Harrop
LOGISTICS COMMAND AIR (LC (A)) Commanded by Logistics Commander (Air) and headquartered at RNZAF Base Auck- land, DLC(A) is the logistic and maintenance centre of excellence for the RNZAF. DLC(A) provides the full suite of logistic services nec- essary to sustain multiple fleets of aircraft through-life and on operational deployment. It comprises three wings supporting RNZAF Bases Auckland, Ohakea and Woodbourne. Logistics Commander (Air) is Group Group Captain Colin Marshall (to Dec 21) then Group Captain Susie Barns (from Dec 21) EQUIPMENT MANAGEMENT ORGANISATION Led by the Director Equipment Management Organisation is responsible for the delivery of effective through life logistic support to non-platform common capabilities. This is achieved through the provision of specific de- sign engineering and configuration manage- ment, through life management and technical logistics support, advice and policy Director Equipment Management Organisation is Mr Tony McQuillan The Director Supply Chain Management (DSCM) is accountable to the Commander Logistics for the effective and efficient delivery of supply chain services across the NZDF in- cluding: codifications services; inventory and rotables management; disposals; integrated logistic support; logistic information systems; and logistic business intelligence and analyt- ics capabilities. The DSCM is the subject matter expert and principal advisor on behalf of the Commander Logistics for these spe- cialist supply chain services. This requires oversight and advisory responsibility to all the DLC Logistics Commanders and the Joint Support Component Commander for design- ing, documenting, managing and maintaining the multiple supply, repair and service chains that enable logistics support and delivery to NZDF operations. Necessarily this also in- cludes driving business rules/requirements into policy/procedures and shaping the En-
Joint Defence Services is led by the Chief, Joint Defence Services, Brigadier Rob Krushka. Headquartered in Wellington, it supports the NZDF by providing the follow- ing: • Joint logistics (maintenance, repair and overhaul and warehousing and supply chain operations), • Joint commercial services (procurement, acquisition and sourcing), • Defence shared services (hub and spoke based shared services). • Joint communications and information services (information & communications technologies), • Physical and protective security services (individual and organisational security), • Business intelligence and analytics (knowledge and information management), and • Leadership and management NZDF strategic programmes and projects. • Chief, Joint Defence Services provides enabling policy and advice internally to the NZDF and externally to NZDF’s stakeholders on a whole of government (WoG) basis. Joint Defence Services is responsible for na- tional and multi-national engagement across the portfolio functions through bi-lateral and multilateral arrangements. ALL JOINT DEFENCE SERVICES ENQUIRIES: Debbie Howarth Director - Industry Engagement P: +64 21 916 382 E: DEFENCE LOGISTICS COMMAND (DLC) The DLC performs deep level maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO), supply chain management (SCM) and operations and shared services (non-deployable camp and base support) functions for the RNZN, the NZ Army, the RNZAF and HQ Joint Forces New Zealand.
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