Aust + NZ Defence Directory 2021-22


The Council also facilitates annual Minister of Defence Awards of Excellence to industry, and is supported administratively by the Min- istry of Defence. GOVERNMENT ORGANISATIONS WORKING WITH DEFENCE AND DEFENCE INDUSTRY Government Electronic Tender Service (GETS) The Ministry of Business Innovation and Em- ployment (MBIE) operate GETS, a tool for government departments to advertise ten- ders. To comply with the New Zealand Gov- ernment Rules of Sourcing GETS is used to advertise all government department tenders, above a set threshold, including those of the MOD and NZDF. GETS is also used widely by other government agencies outside the central departments. Suppliers registered on GETS can view all current Open Tenders and set their profile to receive email notifications based on their areas of interest and regions in which they operate. NZ DEFENCE INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION The NZDIA is a group of businesses with a specific interest in the defence market. The NZ DIA meets on a regular basis to discuss marketing to New Zealand overseas Defence Forces, CONTACT:

laboratories seeking to establish new testing capabilities or to increase confidence and reduce risk in their measurements. COLLABORATIVE PARTNERSHIPS, SPECIALIST CAPABILITIES Partnerships with other organisations are essential to NMI’s ability to serve Australia’s in terests effectively. NMI offers a broad range of scientific and technical capabilities that address all sectors of measurement at the highest levels of precision and integrity. We undertake cutting-edge research to anticipate trends in new measurement technologies. This research is the foundation of our contri- bution to government priorities such as water management, nanotechnology and climate change. NMI pursues opportunities to provide policy and practical measurement advice to govern- ment agencies in order to enhance their application of fit-for-purpose measurements in areas such as the environment, resource management, health, food safety and biosecurity. NOVEL PRODUCTS, ENABLING SERVICES NMI uses our extensive multidisciplinary capabilities to support advanced manufac- turers seeking independent performance or compliance assessments, where local testing capabilities are limited. For example, NMI established photo-biological and laser hazard testing and assessment capabilities to support commercial electro-optical system providers in meeting contract requirements. NMI’s broad suite of measurement expertise is delivered by our laboratories across Aus- tralia, issuing over 15,000 test and measure- ment reports a year to approximately 5000 clients. In short, NMI offers a comprehensive, multi- faceted approach to measurement chal- lenges, both old and new. We draw upon a combination of expertise, international experience and synergies generated from a multi-disciplinary approach that we take towards measurement together with our state-of-the-art instrumentation to provide world-class measurement standards and services for Australia. For more information contact: P: 1800 020 076


ABOUT NMI The National Measurement Institute (NMI) is Australia’s peak measurement organisation, responsible for the national measurement infrastructure and for maintaining Australia’s primary standards of measurement. Currently employing about 330 people in more than 20 sites across Australia, NMI is the only ‘one- stop shop’ for all disciplines of measurement in Australia – analytical, biological, chemical, legal and physical. WHAT WE DO With unique facilities and world-class measurement capability to help our clients meet their current and future measurement needs, NMI conducts in-depth research programs and provides the legal and techni- cal framework for disseminating measure- ment standards for the Australian economy. Working with industry and government, we provide measurement expertise, calibration services, chemical and biological analyses and pattern approval testing. NMI works to support Australia’s standards and confor- mance infrastructure. NMI is also responsible for Australia’s trade measurement framework, which ensures both consumers and busi- nesses can have confidence in the accuracy of measurement instruments used for trade: from fuels pumps to weighbridges. INNOVATIVE RESEARCH High-level research and collaborations underpin NMI’s ability to establish and maintain Australia’s highest level, internation- ally recognised standards and we use the expertise gained to assist manufacturers with their measurement challenges. For example, NMI provides expert measurement consul- tancy services and training to companies and

Chairperson: Andrew Ford E: W:

E: W:


www. d e f e n c e . d i r e c t o r y

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