Aust + NZ Defence Directory 2021-22
Initiatives managed by the Branch include oversight of the Centre for Defence Indus- try Capability (CDIC), the Australian Industry Capability Program, the Sovereign Industrial Capability Priorities, the National Defence In- dustry Skills Office and defence industry skill- ing initiatives. For further information on the Australian Industry Capability Program contact: Australian Industry Capability Directorate SP&I Group E: W: For further information on the National Defence Industry Skilling Office contact: E: W: The Australian Defence Export Office (ADEO) was established as a key initiative of the De- fence Export Strategy to support the Austra- lian defence industry achieve export success. The ADEO is the focal point for coordinating Whole-of-Government export support for Australian defence industry, to ensure it can meet Australia’s defence capability needs now and into the future. Working closely with Australian Government agencies including Austrade, Export Finance Australia, the Centre for Defence Industry Ca- pability and State and Territory Governments, the ADEO provides a wide range of support to Australian defence industry. This support includes attendance at international trade shows with Team Defence Australia; targeted international trade missions; inclusion in the Australian Defence Sales Catalogue; Govern- ment-to-Government sales, gifting and trans- fer of equipment; provision of funding through the Defence Global Competitiveness Grant Program; and high-level advocacy through the Australian Defence Export Advocate. The ADEO also works closely with an international network of Business Development Managers in key locations, Defence Attachés, and le- verages Austrade’s extensive overseas pres- ence. Further Information Australian Defence Exports Office SP&I Group W: E: AUSTRALIAN DEFENCE EXPORT OFFICE
Defence Export Controls (DEC) is responsible for regulating the export, supply, publication and brokering of military and dual-use goods and technologies to ensure it is consistent with Australia’s national interests and interna- tional obligations. This includes granting per- mits, as well as providing advice on whether goods, software or technology are controlled by the Defence and Strategic Goods List (DSGL). DEC supports government, indus- try, academia and individuals in complying with export control requirements, administers the Australia-US Defence Trade Cooperation Treaty, and issues re-export assurances to foreign governments for imports. DEC repre- sents Australia in international export control regimes, such as the Wassenaar Arrange- ment, which serve our broad national inter- ests and contribute to the global effort aimed at reducing the risk of proliferation. Further Information Defence Export Controls Department of Defence E: W: P: 1800 66 10 66 DEFENCE INNOVATION HUB The 2016 Defence Industry Policy Statement introduced a new strategy-led approach to innovation through the creation of a single innovation pipeline through two signature Defence innovation programs: the Defence Innovation Hub and the Next Generation Technologies Fund. Funded at $800 million over the decade to 2030, the Defence Innovation Hub accepts proposals that are ready to enter the engi- neering and development stages of the inno- vation process from concept exploration and technology demonstration, through to proto- typing and integrated capability demonstra- tion and evaluation. The Defence Innovation Hub enables Defence, industry and research institutions to collaborate on innovative tech- nologies that can be developed into an ad- vanced capability for Defence. Details for the Next Generation Technologies Fund can be found at the Defence Science and Technology Group entry below. For more information on the Defence Innova- tion Hub and the Next Generation Technolo- gies Fund, please visit cdic
The Government is maximising defence in- dustry opportunities to continue building a re- silient and internationally-competitive defence industrial base and ensure strong Defence- industry partnerships, new opportunities for businesses, and greater alignment of industry investment and Defence capability require- ments.
DEFENCE INDUSTRY POLICY DIVISION The Division is responsible for effectively implementing the Australian Government’s defence industry policy initiatives. This in- cludes implementing strategy-led programs for industry engagement and innovation, managing a consolidated portfolio of innova- tion investment under the Defence Innovation Hub, as well as administering controls on the export of defence and strategic goods and technologies. DEFENCE INDUSTRY BRANCH Defence Industry Branch is leading the im- plementation of the 2016 Defence Industry Policy Statement, the 2018 Defence Export Strategy, the 2018 Defence Industrial Capa- bility Plan, the 2019 Defence Industry Skilling and STEM Strategy and the 2019 Defence Policy for Industry Participation.
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