Aust + NZ Defence Directory 2021-22


CAPABILITIES ADIESA provides free flow of communications between Defence and industry, in the largest domain: information and electronics systems. Rather than a lobby group, ADIESA is an in- dustry association that aims to facilitate col- laboration between Defence and Industry, pro- moting Australian Defence Industry capability. For Defence, it provides a single organisation that represents industry to offer feedback, the latest technological advancements, inno- vation, and limitations. For Industry, it allows targeted research, personnel development, better understanding of Defence’s intent and specific requirements, and ultimately focus their investment in being more relevant to De- fence’s future. This is especially important for Australian small business who may struggle to engage with senior Defence executives. ADIESA benefits both parties equally. A critical element of ADIESA’s strategy is the formation of strong relationships with senior Defence officials in all areas of information and electronic research, development, pro- curement, and support. It provides opportu- nities for member companies to engage early in the force development process through: joint Defence and industry dinners, and net- working functions, information sessions, the C4ISREW Environmental Working Group (co- sponsored by ADIESA), and Focus Groups. Focus Groups are established and concluded based on Defence requirements, currently in- cluding: • Enterprise architecture (EA) • Joint Command and Control (JC2) • Intelligence Surveillance & Reconnaissance (ISR) • Satellite Communications (SATCOM) Membership of ADIESA is open to Australian companies and academic institutions with capabilities in information and electronic sys- tems. Companies are encouraged to join the Association to increase the already broad representation of Australian Industry. Defence Groups and projects are encouraged to con- tinue to take advantage of ADIESA as an ideal way of meeting the Government’s requirement for Industry Engagement and maximising suc- cess of their initiatives Further information about ADIESA: Postal Address: PO Box 4892 KINGSTON ACT 2604 Board Chair: Kylah Limmer

looking at new initiatives to support the in- dustry, whether it be addressing skills short- ages, accessing supply chains, promoting emerging technologies, creating business op- portunities or simply developing relationships through networking and social activities. Whether you are a manufacturer, importer or distributor, or a general manufacturing tech- nology company AMTIL has various offerings with which to help you and your business. Contact; Shane Infanti, CEO P: +61 3 9800 3666 E:

the growing reliance on industry to provide the services supporting our military requires networks offering quick and reliable access, and a camaraderie unique in the Defence sector. DICA offers a one-stop access and informa- tion website that keeps you up-to-date on Defence with all the important links, access to the daily news about Defence, upcoming events across the sector, and senior appoint- ments and movements. The news, events and discussions serve to keep you informed, allow you to test your thinking, and broaden your knowledge and expertise in concert with old and new friends. Networking events are a priority for the Alumni and we now have State and Territory coordinators eager to bring the local cadre together, both at DICA events and as part of other Defence sector activities. The big exhi- bitions and conferences are a particular focus for DICA as the Alumni comes together from across Australia. Through the challenges of COVID-19 and going forward, we are looking for methods to bridge the communications gaps between these events and provide on- going connectivity with professionals such as yourself. Now is your chance to be more active with the Alumni, or to reconnect with your cohort from these unique and often life-changing courses. W: President – Mark Reynolds E:


ARE YOU A GRADUATE OF DISC OR IMC ? DICA supports the ongoing professional de- velopment and networking of the graduates of the Defence and Industry Study Course (DISC) and the Industrial Mobilisation Course (IMC). With over 4000 graduates in its proud history of over 65 years, DISC and IMC have nur- tured the future leaders and senior managers in Defence and Defence Industry. The Alumni provides the continuation of these programs throughout an individual’s career, provid- ing access to the large cohort of likeminded people passionate about the Defence sector. This network, and the bringing together of ex- pertise and experience, ensures that Austra- lian industry is fostering the capabilities and services needed by the Australian Defence Force to deliver the defence and national se- curity needs of tomorrow. Having the ability and channels to reach out across the Defence-Industry relationship to professionals who understand your experi- ences and motivations has never been more important than now. The massive investment in Defence capabilities, recognition of industry as a cornerstone of our national capacity, and

Secretary – Darren Collins E:

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AUSTRALIAN DEFENCE INFORMATION AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS ASSOCIATION ADIESA’s mission is to enhance Australia’s Defence Capabilities, predominantly in the information and electronic systems domain

E: W:


www. d e f e n c e . d i r e c t o r y

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