Aust + NZ Defence Directory 2021-22
tive industry or research partners. There may be opportunities for new partners to join existing DMTC projects, either through extensions to current work or commence- ment of new activities. From time to time, DMTC will release targeted calls for propos- als or invite regionally-based clusters of small businesses to benefit from targeted technol- ogy transfer initiatives. Let us know about your capabilities and how they align with your understanding of De- fence’s needs and DMTC’s expertise. HOW THE MODEL WORKS Success in the defence and national secu- rity sector, and in innovation and technol- ogy development in particular, is widely ac- cepted as a ‘long game’. Technologies can take many years to develop and mature, and this requires an in-depth understanding of the end-user’s evolving requirements, continuity of approach, as well as discipline and perse- verance. DMTC projects and programs operate on a co-investment model. This approach allows each partner to leverage the expertise, invest- ment, human resources, and capabilities of other participating partners. DMTC projects would not succeed without active contribu- tions from each project partner. This genu- inely collaborative model provides the path- way to creating national industrial capability. DMTC’s focus on the industrial application and adoption of cutting-edge research is re- flected in the bulk of project activities falling on the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) scale between TRL 3 to TRL 8. The involvement of the Defence customer at every step of DMTC’s program management model ensures ongoing relevance to the De- fence end-user. Headquartered in Melbourne’s east, DMTC Limited [formerly the Defence Materials Tech- nology Centre] works with industrial and re- search partners across Australia. For more information, please contact DMTC Ltd Level 2, 24 Wakefield St, Hawthorn VIC 3122 P: +61 3 9214 4447 E: W: Twitter: @DMTCLtd
security sector has confirmed DMTC’s posi- tion as Defence’s trusted industrial innovation partner and as a key player in the national drive to build sovereign industrial capability and capacity in priority areas for Defence. A not-for-profit company, DMTC has culti- vated an extensive network of innovation and technology development partners in Australia and internationally. Our catchcry —capability through collabora- tion— is backed by an approach to intellec- tual property (IP) that supports rapid utilisa- tion and adoption of emerging technologies and ensures IP is defined and controlled at the individual project level. DMTC provides commercial rights to industry within defined use fields, and research rights to research partners to enable continued development in Australia. The maturity of DMTC’s operating model has been confirmed by ISO 9001 Quality Manage- ment and, more recently, ISO 44001 Collab- orative Business Management accreditations. These benchmarks are indicative of DMTC’s commitment to quality and collaboration and the value DMTC provides to its partners. DMTC’s management team has deep ex- perience across a range of disciplines, and the DMTC model is applicable and scalable across program disciplines, allowing DMTC to respond effectively to a range of contem- porary and emerging challenges. The DMTC model delivers significant benefits to Defence and government organisations, industry and research partners: • For Defence & Government – DMTC provides an efficient and tested model to mobilise cutting-edge research and industrial capability to support national objectives. • For Industry – DMTC provides a proven vehicle for collaboration and a more effective way to engage in research and development and enhance competitiveness. • For the Research sector – DMTC creates opportunities, through targeted investment and other support, for researchers to conduct industrially- relevant research supporting defence and national security objectives. Getting in touch with us DMTC’s program development team wel- comes enquiries or proposals from prospec-
DEFENCE WEST Defence West, within the Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation (JTSI), is the Western Australian (WA) Gov- ernment office responsible for supporting the interests of the local defence industry, to deliver the capability requirements of the Australian Defence Force and to grow our State’s exports.
For further information P: +61 8 6277 3000
E: W:
DEFENCE SA A major part of the State’s strong economic performance is our successful track record of winning and delivering on major projects, in addition to being the most competitive place to do business in Australia (KPMG 2006). For more information, please
contact Defence SA Level 4, 151 Pirie St, Adelaide SA 5000 P: +61 8 8463 7140 E:
ENHANCING DEFENCE CAPABILITY THROUGH COLLABORATION DMTC leads and manages collaborative technology development projects between government, industry, and research part- ners, that build industrial capacity and en- hance Australia’s sovereign defence and national security capabilities. More than a decade of success and deliv- ering more than 300 discrete technology advancements in the defence and national
www. d e f e n c e . d i r e c t o r y
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