Aust + NZ Defence Directory 2021-22
to world-class universities and research and development institutions that have active pro- grams in support of defence technology. DEFENCE NSW Defence NSW is a dedicated team within Investment NSW. Investment NSW is a new NSW Government agency where the best of industry, innovation, trade and tourism and major events meet to grow local and interna- tional investment and create jobs in NSW. Defence NSW identifies and drives opportu- nities to collaborate, partner and assist the growth of the NSW defence sector. Defence NSW supports defence and industry by: • being the contact point for the defence, defence-related Commonwealth depart- ments, defence companies, defence industry bodies, and defence-related re- search organisations being a dedicated organisation that will identify and drive opportunities to collab- orate, partner and support the growth of the NSW defence sector being responsible for defence and indus- try attraction and expansion in NSW promoting the state’s defence industry and research capabilities supporting access for NSW defence related companies to procurement and supply chain opportunities both locally and internationally being inclusive of key stakeholders in the NSW defence sector. CONTACT US Find out why NSW is such a great place for Defence. Contact us today: Director Defence NSW; Mike Gallagher P: +61 2 4908 4800 E: W: W: ACT DEFENCE Canberra, Australia’s national capital, is also Australia’s defence capital with the largest concentration of defence and national secu- rity agencies, assests and organisations in Australia. The Canberra region also hosts the Royal Military College at Duntroon, the Austr- lian Defence Force Academy, the Australian command and Staff College, and Headquar- ters Joint Opertions Command. E: W: • • • • •
VICTORIA’S DEFENCE SECTOR Defence excellence Victoria’s defence sector is an important part of the State’s economy, contributing over $8 billion annually. The sector supports around 36,600 jobs and has some 6,300 businesses that contribute to the delivery of equipment and services for defence activities. Victoria plays a critical role in the development and sustainment of Australia’s defence ca- pacity and is recognised internationally for the depth and quality of its defence manufactur- ing sector, world-class research and develop- ment capabilities and highly skilled workforce. A robust and responsive local supply chain network plays a vital role in building and sustaining multiple defence platforms and systems. These businesses are ready to par- ticipate in the future submarine, surface ship, land vehicle and other Defence procurement programs. Contact us for more information about Victo- ria’s defence capabilities and investment op- portunities. Defence, Aerospace, Cyber and Security Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions DEFENCE INDUSTRIES QUEENSLAND Defence Industries Queensland is focused on promoting a smart, connected and efficient industry that will deliver to your requirements. For further information, Contact Defence Industries Queensland Department of State Development, Level 18, 1 William Street, Brisbane QLD 4000 P: +61 7 3452 7218 E: W: Victorian Government P: +61 3 9651 8053 E: W:
New South Wales (NSW) has the most de- fence bases and capabilities of any state or territory, and is home to one quarter of Aus- tralia’s military and defence civilian personnel. All three services have significant bases throughout the state, including major sustain- ment hubs for the Australian Army at Hols- worthy Barracks, the Royal Australian Navy at Garden Island and the Royal Australian Air Force at Williamtown. Each service has operational-level headquarters and significant The NSW defence industry is enjoying strong growth in precincts located in close proximity to major defence capabilities. The leading defence companies operating in Australia all have a headquarters or a major presence in NSW. Williamtown NSW is experiencing major growth as the location for significant regional sustainment capabilities for the F-35 fighter, as well as hosting Australia’s premier fighter base. Queanbeyan, the South Coast, and Greater Sydney are also major growth areas. FOCUS ON SME The NSW Government will work closely with the defence industry to attract increased de- fence investment in the state and help small and medium-sized enterprises gain better access to local and global supply chain op- portunities. STRONG SKILLS BASE The industry’s growth is underpinned by a strong and growing skills base. Nationally, NSW has the highest number of workers with skills relevant to defence industry, and these skills closely align with key areas of future growth and investment. NSW is also home training units located across the state. GROWING DEFENCE INDUSTRY PRECINCTS
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