Aust + NZ Defence Directory 2021-22


by liaising with state governments, industry associations, and a range of representative bodies. DSTG recognises that small and medium en- terprises (SMEs) are a significant source of in- novation and are also agile in taking up new opportunities. DSTG engages through the network of industry associations and other bodies as the primary means to communi- cate with the SME community. SCIENCE, RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY (STAR) SHOTS STaR Shots are challenging, inspirational and aspirational science and technology missions designed to focus industry and the science and technology community on Defence’s big- gest problems. They are designed to drive the evolution of innovation pathways, from funda- mental research and development through to prototyping and transition into capability. Guided by Defence’s future force priorities, STaR Shots set the direction for strategic re- search and development. Early engagement with industry, academia and publicly-funded research agencies will be used to build the scale of expertise and innovation needed to solve these complex problems. Specific part- nerships will be based on measures such as technical capability, security, infrastructure, co-investment, and the ability to collaborate and translate outcomes into impact. An initial set of eight STaR Shots have been established: Agile Command and Control; Quantum-Assured Position, Navigation and Timing; Remote Undersea Surveillance; Battle-Ready Platforms; Operating in CBRN Environments; Disruptive Weapons Effects; Resilient Multi-Mission Space; and Informa- tion Warfare. As our strategic context evolves, new STaR Shots will be established to ensure that capabilities aligned to Defence’s needs continue to be delivered. The Next Generation Technologies Fund (NGTF), managed by DSTG, is one of the key Defence innovation programs implemented from the 2016 Defence White Paper and Defence Industry Policy Statement. Together with the Defence Innovation Hub and the Centre for Defence Industry Capability, they form the integrated Defence Innovation Sys- tem. The NGTF works with industry and aca- demia focusing on research and development in emerging and future technologies. The Australian Government’s July 2020 De- fence Strategic Update and 2020 Force Structure Plan has extended investment for Defence industry through the Fund. The Fund will make further investments worth around NEXT GENERATION TECHNOLOGIES FUND

DSTG has 17 strategic alliances with defence primes and publicly-funded research agen- cies. It also has Defence Science Partner- ships with 30 Australian universities. Mechanisms include With the launch of More, Together: Defence Science and Technology Group’s Strategy 2030 in May 2020, Defence is transforming the way it partners with the national science and technology enterprise. Potential partners are being engaged from the outset to ensure early buy-in, remove disconnects in innova- tion pathways and shorten the time to trans- late research into Defence capability. Specific partnering initiatives are being de- veloped to shape the broader science and technology community. This includes grow- ing capabilities in critical areas of science and technology, leveraging research networks and encouraging multi-party collaboration. DSTG also pursues the involvement of indus- try and the science and technology commu- nity in strategic research through the Science, Technology and Research (STaR) Shots intro- duced in More, Together: Defence Science and Technology Group’s Strategy 2030. De- fence innovation programs, such as the Next Generation Technologies Fund, also provide the basis for engaging industry, academia and publicly-funded research agencies in re- search and development for Defence. Further information on the STaR Shots and Next Gen- eration Technologies Fund is provided below. The collaboration arrangements used by DSTG typically include strategic alliances, Cooperative Research Centres, collaborative research agreements and centres of exper- tise, as well as targeted procurement to sup- port specific activities. Other mechanisms through which DSTG works with industry and the science and technology community include: licensing ar- rangements for the transfer of knowledge, expertise and technology for commercialisa- tion activities; engaging directly with suppliers to support the delivery of Australian Defence contracts; and conducting fee-for-service re- search and providing access to facilities. DSTG communicates with industry and the wider science and technology community

$1.2 billion over the next decade. The NGTF supports engagement through a variety of mechanisms, including research networks, technology fore-sighting approaches, re- search accelerators and Defence Coopera- tive Research Centres, university research networks, technology fore-sighting through the EDTAS series, Defence research accel- erators, and the Small Business Innovation Research for Defence (SBIRD) program. BENEFITS FOR AUSTRALIA’S WEALTH AND SECURITY DSTG’s efforts to partner and transfer tech- nology to Australian industry have several benefits for Australia’s wealth and security. The Australian Defence Force benefits from the evolution of sustainable, competitive Australian defence industry capabilities and the savings delivered by improved technol- ogy and products tailored to meet is require- ments. Australian businesses, including SMEs, ben- efit from exposure to DSTG’s research base, introduction to new technology and Defence markets, the development of spinoff products with civilian applications, and income from domestic sales and exports. DSTG benefits through experience gained during the widespread application of its tech- nology and expertise, enabling it to enhance its research base. Further Information Director National Partnerships Science Engagement and Impact Division

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