Aust + NZ Defence Directory 2021-22
range of services to support our regions sovereign capability. Key Personnel Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director: Jeremy Holder MG General Manager: Matthew Charles Quality Assurance TACMED AUSTRALIA Pty Ltd maintains certification to ISO9001:2021, Branches REACT Training Centre Unit 3, 77 Postle St COOPERS PLAINS QLD 4108 Tel: 1300 862 633 TACTICAL SOLUTIONS 7 Canaveral Dr Auckland NZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . +64 9 477 2800 TACTICS LTD Level 1, 241 Thorndon Quay Wellington NZ . . . +64 4 913 9310 TAE AEROSPACE PTY LTD 1 Jet Pl Bundamba QLD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +61 7 3813 6800 TAIT ELECTRONICS (AUST) PTY LTD 13A Narabang Way Belrose NSW . . . . . . . . . . . 1300 304 344 TALENT INTERNATIONAL Level 5, 150 St Georges Tce Perth WA . . . . . +61 8 9221 3300 TAS-AIR PTY LTD Tas Air Building, Hobart International Airport Hobart TAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +61 3 6248 5088 TASCO SALES (AUST) PTY LTD Unit 6, 9-13 Winbourne Rd Brookvale NSW . . +61 2 9938 3244 TASMAN INSULATION NZ LTD 9-15 Holloway Pl Penrose Auckland NZ . . . . . . +64 9 579 2139 TASMAN MACHINERY PTY LTD Unit 2, 84-90 Lakewood Blvd Braeside VIC . . +61 3 8587 8200 TASMANIA MARITIME NETWORK INC 8 Bender Dr Derwent Park TAS . . . . . . . . . . +61 3 6324 9713 TAURANGA CANVAS CO LTD 83 Portside Dr Mount Maunganui NZ . . . . . . . +64 7 575 5469 TAXKARE PTY LTD Unit 4, 2 Barry Rd Burwood East VIC . . . . . . +61 3 9803 9325 TAYLOR BROS MARINE 5 Surveyors Dr Derwent Park TAS . . . . . . . . +61 3 6273 3700 TAYLOR MARINE 62 Sparks Rd Henderson WA . . . . . . . . . . . +61 8 9494 9393 TAYLORS ENGINEERING & WELDING SERVICES 37 Hope Valley Rd Naval Base WA . . . . . . . + 61 8 9410 2262 TBH Level 12, 15 Blue St North Sydney NSW . . . . +61 2 9922 2511 TCG GROUP 53 Balfour St Chippendale NSW . . . . . . . . . . +61 2 8303 2419 TCM ELECTRONICS PTY LTD Unit 1, 49 Naweena Rd Regency Park SA . . . + 61 8 8354 4300 TCRT Level 11, 344 Queen St Brisbane QLD . . . . . + 61 414 844 844 TCS MANAGEMENT PTY LTD Level 43, 80 Collins St Melbourne VIC . . . . . . +61 3 9654 8199 TECALEMIT PTY LTD 6 Sheffield St Woodville North SA . . . . . . . . . +61 8 8243 5200 TECHCAST FUSE 12 Ophir St Sebastopol NSW . . . . . . . . . . . . +61 3 5336 1811 TECHNI WATERJET PTY LTD 47 Barry Rd Campbellfield VIC . . . . . . . . . . . +61 3 9357 8360 TECHNICAL FABRIC SERVICES AUSTRALIA Unit 1, 9 Christensen Rd Sth Stapylton QLD . . +61 7 3382 6777 TECHNICAL INDEXES P.O. Box 181 Gembrook VIC . . . . . . . . . . . . +61 3 5968 1111 TECHNICHE LTD Unit 20, 43 Lang Pde Milton QLD . . . . . . . . . +61 7 3720 9066 TECHTEL PTY LTD 26 Whiting St Artarmon NSW . . . . . . . . . . . . +61 2 9906 1488 TE CONNECTIVITY AUSTRALIA PTY LTD Level 1, 15 Bourke Rd Mascot NSW . . . . . . . +61 2 9554 2600 TECTONICA AUSTRALIA PTY LTD Unit 2, 88 Dynon Rd West Melbourne VIC . . . +61 3 9381 6700 TEEKAY SHIPPING (AUSTRALIA) PTY LTD Level 6, 1753-1765 Botany Rd Banksmeadow NSW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +61 2 9316 1000 TEI SERVICES PTY LTD 24-34 Enterprise St Bohle QLD . . . . . . . . . . +61 7 4774 5811 TELE-MAC CABLE CO PTY LTD Unit 56, 266 Osborne Ave Clayton South VIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +61 3 9551 2160 TELECOMTEST SOLUTIONS PTY LTD 195 Rouse St Port Melbourne VIC . . . . . . . . . . . 1300 468 469 TELECTRAN PTY LTD Unit 4, 12A Rodborough Rd Frenchs Forest NSW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +61 2 9454 7900 TELEFLEX AUSTRALIA 1 McCabe Pl Chatswood NSW . . . . . . . . . . . +61 2 9417 6099
TELETECH PTY LTD Unit 8, 2-6 Apollo Ct Blackburn VIC . . . . . . . +61 3 9877 3033 TELSTRA ENTERPRISE & GOVERNMENT Level 4, 490 Northbourne Ave Dickson ACT . . +61 2 6129 4400 TELTHERM INSTRUMENTS LTD 5 / 343 Church St Onehunga NZ . . . . . . . . . . +64 9 633 0040 TELWATER PTY LTD 53 Waterway Dr Coomera QLD . . . . . . . . . . +61 7 5585 9898 TEMPERATURE CONTROLS PTY LTD 8/280 Whitehall St Yarraville VIC . . . . . . . . . +61 3 9687 0000 TENIX NZ LTD Level 1, 8 Hugo Johnston Dr Penrose NZ . . . . +64 9 622 8600 TEXTRON SYSTEMS AUSTRALIA PTY LTD Unit 1, 585 Blackburn Rd Notting Hill VIC . . . +61 3 9518 7300
Company Information - Cont’d
Key Personnel CEO and Founder: Michael Holm Group Senior Vice President: Andrew Graham Vice President, Australia and Asia Pacific: David Horton Vice President, NZ and Middle East: Mike Magill
Quality Assurance ISO 9001:2008 since 1992 ISO 2700 Information Security Management Systems (ISMS) standard AQAP 2110 and 2210: NATO Software Quality Assurance, since 1992 CMMI for Development 1.3, Maturity Level 5, since 2006 Branches Headquartered in Aarhus, Denmark, Systematic also has offices in Copenhagen, Australia, Canada, Finland, Germany, New Zealand, Sweden, Romania, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America. SYSTRA SCOTT LISTER PTY LTD Level 15, 2 Chifley Sq Sydney NSW . . . . . . . +61 2 9229 8100 T.U.N ENGINEERING PTY LTD 1 University Pl Clayton VIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . +61 3 9561 6890 TABO AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 18 Charles St Allenby Gardens SA . . . . . . . . +61 8 8340 0666
TGI CARGO PTY LTD THE REALM, LEVEL 1, 18 NATIONAL CCT BARTON ACT 2600 . . . . . . . . . . . . . +61 2 6198 3283 No of Employees: 10 ACN: 124 961 413 ABN: 31 124 961 413 Year of Establishment: 2007 PO Box 43 Red Hill ACT 2603 Overview TGI is a specialised defence logistics freight forwarder, with rapid deployment capability across land, air & sea. We deliver globally, including 24/7 live tracking through Key Options, charter, DG & specialised equipment transport. Description TGI is a 100% sovereign Australian owned Freight Forwarding company that provides integral Defence transport capacity globally. We are invested in the ability to provide both National and State Government acquisition agencies to design and immediately action through life support models that meet unique needs anywhere in the world. Founded in 2007, as Townley Group International, TGI is a project freight forwarder that specialises in moving specialised and high-risk cargo and regular freight globally. TGI staff are trained in all facets of cargo handling, with extensive expertise in land, air and sea movements. As an agile Australian freight company, we have found that we can outmanoeuvre and outperform other international logistics specialists, because our team is a hands on rather than hand over team. We love what we do, we have a wealth of experience, and we know how to move anything anywhere, better than almost anyone, professionally, on time and on budget. It may be that you need to move tonnes of freight daily over a life cycle project of 4 years, or you might just have to move a few out-of-gauge loads per year. TGI has a track record of over 30 years in the industry and all of our staff are professionally trained to manage your end-to-end logistics and most importantly safeguard your investment. Our track record of successfully completing tasks on time and on budget is extensive. And even when something isn’t on track, you are kept up to date and a solution is found. We have a 100% delivery record, meaning we have never lost a shipment. Our experience has led us to offer a number of valued additions to your logistics service, for seamless, daily coordination of defence movements globally. ITAR Compliant Security Accreditation Dangerous Goods Biosecurity Member AIDN Integrated Logistic Support involvement
TACMED AUSTRALIA UNIT 1, 33 ISLES DR NORTH BOAMBEE VALLEY NSW 2450 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1300 862 633 No of Employees: 23 ACN: 141 850 240 ABN: 22 141 850 240 Year of Establishment: 2010 GPO Box 334 Coffs Harbour NSW 2450 Overview TacMed Australia is an emergency medical company which develops equipment, training and consulting solutions for high-risk organisations and environments. Description TacMed is an Australian veteran-owned business that specialises in bridging the gap between battlefield medicine and traditional emergency medical response for high-risk organisations and work places. Over the course of the past decade, TacMed has positioned itself in Australia as a market leader in the provision of bespoke emergency medical training, equipment, consultancy and medical services to those who work in high-threat, austere and complex environments. With a unique and holistic approach to emergency preparedness and response, TacMed has attracted some of the most experienced medical staff in Australia, with more than 60 per cent of the current team being veterans who have served in the ADF. Our core Defence industry solutions include: Emergency medical equipment supply Medical training and simulation services Health support services Virtual Reality (VR) training With Department of Defence customers in Australia and New Zealand and engagements with key Defence Primes and numerous Emergency Services Agencies, TacMed is fully committed to expanding its
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