Aust + NZ Defence Directory 2021-22



The General Council meets during the year to set policy and appoints a Board which over- sees operations, policy strategy and policy implementation. SERVICES Through its direct link with the world busi- ness organisation, the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), and its strong links with the Confederation of Asia-Pacific Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CACCI) and the International Organisation of Employ- ers (IOE), the ACCI actively assists mem- bers, business and traders with information relating to international trade, commerce and labour relations. MEMBERSHIP ACCI’s members are employer organisa- tions in all States and Territories and all ma- jor sectors of Australian industry. Through our membership, ACCI represents over 350,000 businesses nation-wide, including the top 100 companies, over 55,000 enter- prises employing between 20-100 people and over 280,000 enterprises employing less than 20 people. These businesses collectively employ over 4 million people which makes ACCI the largest and most representative business organisa- tion in Australia. CONTACT Canberra: Commerce House, 24 Brisbane Ave Barton ACT 2600 PO Box 6005, Kingston ACT 2604 P: +61 2 6270 8000

• We have direct contact with senior Min- isters in the Victorian State Government • Advocacy for our member base with Primes and other large organisations 4. Supporting our members with: • Tender information • Navigating defence related issues such as security clearances, export controls etc. In addition to Victorian focused support, ADA- Vic members are represented by the Austra- lian Defence Alliance (ADA), a collaborative partnership between ADA-Vic, the Defence Teaming Centre (DTC) in South Australia, and the Henderson Alliance in Western Australia. The ADA represents the interests of 1100+ dual-use and defence SMEs nationally, pro- viding your business with a multitude of op- portunities to flourish and succeed in dual-use and Defence Industry, domestically and glob- ally Australian Defence Alliance Victoria P: +61 3 8658 5707 E:

Enabling Members to do Better Business in Defence Australian Defence Alliance Victoria (ADA-Vic) is the nation’s largest, independent Defence Industry Peak Body representing dual-use and defence SMEs. We support 700+ Vic- torian businesses gain a greater share of the massive Australian Defence budget over the next decade (more than $570 billion - not to mention the global supply chain); through di- rect memberships and via participation in the Victorian Defence Alliances (VDA), a program which is managed by ADA-Vic. Through ADA-Vic, Australian SMEs now have a professionally led advocacy and strategic governance industry body standing alongside them as they go about navigating the com- plexities of the Defence Industry. Member- ship enhances your business’s opportunities through access to State and Commonwealth Governments, Global Primes, education, training and upskilling, as well as decades of experienced policy, regulatory, compliance and strategic governance subject matter ex- pertise. With membership comes a wide variety of benefits, the following are just a sample: 1. Networking opportunities when permitted • Regular Industry briefings • Business Networking Drinks after 5 (bi- monthly) • Doing Better Business with Defence Seminars (bi-monthly) • Annual Golf Day 2. Information about Defence and the Defence Industry • Through a number of different group email pieces monthly • Through our website • Through various social media channels • Through in-person networking events 3. Advocacy for our member base • We have direct contact with the Federal Ministers for Defence and Defence In- dustry on a regular basis


E: W: Melbourne: Level 2, 150 Collins St Melbourne Vic 3000 PO Box 18008, Collins Street East.

The Australian Manufacturing Technology In- stitute Limited (AMTIL) is a national industry association which represents the interests of manufacturing technology suppliers and us- ers within the advanced and precision engi- neering sectors. We are well known for our flagship exhibition, now branded as Australian Manufacturing Week, and incorporating our machine tool and manufacturing technology event Aus- tech. Another of our prominent brands, the AMT Magazine, is well regarded as the pre- mier manufacturing and engineering publica- tion in the country. Along with these two flagship activities, AM- TIL provide many other services and benefits to our members including networking activi- ties, government funded initiatives, promotion of our members capabilities, national advoca- cy and industry support programs. Our passionate staff at AMTIL are always

Melbourne Vic 8003 P: +61 3 9668 9950

E: W:

DEFENCE TEAMING CENTRE The Defence Teaming Centre (DTC) is a na- tionally-focused member organisation that represents and supports Australian defence industry to maximize opportunities in national and global defence markets. Margaret Graham Bldg Lot Fourteen, 1a Frome Rd Adelaide SA 5000 Contact: E: P: +61 8 7320 1000 W:


www. d e f e n c e . d i r e c t o r y

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