Aust + NZ Defence Directory 2021-22
In this way business policies are developed and strategies for change are implemented. ACCI operates at a national and international level, making sure the concerns of business are represented to government at the federal level, and to the community at large. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES The objectives of the ACCI are to: • Promote the free enterprise system in Australia; • Provide a clear and strong voice representing the view of business, especially those that are small and medium sized including professional people; • Provide a balanced viewpoint between business, trade union, consumer and environment groups; • Act as an international/national lobby group on behalf of commerce and industry in Australia; • Assist in, and encourage, the education of the leaders of tomorrow, indeed all Australians, in commerce and trade, and its importance to Australia; and • Assist members to promote international trade on behalf of Australian commerce and industry. OUR APPROACH ACCI takes a lead role in representing the views of business to government. ACCI’s objective is to ensure that legislation or proposed policy approaches at a national level addresses the needs of Australian businesses, whether they are one of the top 100 Australian companies or a small sole trader. OUR ACTIVITIES Our activities include: • Representation and advocacy to government; • Business representation on a range of statutory and business boards, committees and other for a; • Representation in national and international fora including the Australian Industrial Relations Commission and the International Labour Organisation; • Research and policy development on national business issues; • Business surveys; • Information products for members; and • Providing a conduit for disseminating government sourced information and funding to members. OUR OPERATIONS ACCI’s operations are governed by articles of association administered by a General Coun- cil comprising representatives of all our mem- ber organisations.
independent of federal or sectoral interests, to both Federal and State/ Territory Governments and Defence Prime Contractors. • Facilitate networking between Federal, Australian industrial capability/content in all Defence and Security-related contracts. • Assist in the development of policies focused on SMEs operating in the Defence and Security sectors. • Actively advocate to Federal and State/ Territory Governments, Prime Contractors and Government departments such as Defence and Border Force in order to maximise the opportunities for Australian SMEs. • Provide members an opportunity for networking (including at non AIDN-led exhibitions and conferences) - facilitating collaboration between members to supply greater capacity and capability to the Australian Defence Forces and security agencies. • Inform members of available training relevant to their business needs. To join AIDN, contact us via email or our website: AIDN National PO Box 5541, Kingston, ACT 2604 ABN: 37 252 416 031 CEO: Brent Clark Executive Director: Mel Woon AUSTRALIAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY State/Territory and regional Defence Industry bodies aimed to optimise
The Australian Industry & Defence Network (AIDN) is a national peak body that supports SME suppliers to Defence and Security re- lated customers via advocacy, trusted part- nerships and member services. Established in 1995, AIDN plays a critical role helping SMEs develop their sovereign organisational capacity and capability. AIDN assists SMEs deliver goods and ser- vices that are fit for purpose and value for money, in support of the Australian Defence Forces, our national security personnel, as well as international allies. AIDN aims to maximise defence and secu- rity related business for Australian SMEs by: • identifying and developing opportunities for SMEs to take part in Australian defence business opportunities and global supply chains as direct suppliers, individually and in groups, and via prime contractors • providing advocacy services for its membership to and from Defence, federal and state government and industry, and representation on government industry forums in the Defence sector • developing the skills base of its membership, including through initiatives which utilise government assistance • providing regular communication on the latest news, opportunities, events and discounts for members • contributing to workforce planning and linking industry with federal and state/territory government programs in skills training, innovation, technology and asset development, specialisation, and export readiness • supporting and participating in domestic and international conferences, seminars and trade shows to showcase member capabilities. ADVANTAGES OF AIDN MEMBER- SHIP • Facilitate the dissemination of Australian Government and prime contractor defence and security-related policy and procurement information to members. • Represent members in the presentation of a consolidated Australian SME view,
The Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry is the peak council of Austra- lian business associations and takes a lead role in representing the views of business to government. The role of ACCI is to represent the interests of business at a national level as well as in- ternationally. Through its network of businesses, each ACCI member organisation identifies the concerns of its members and plans united action.
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