Aust + NZ Defence Directory 2021-22


CAPABILITY ACQUISITION AND SUSTAINMENT GROUP The Capability Acquisition and Sustainment Group (CASG) is part of the Department of Defence. In 2020-21 CASG spent approxi- mately $17 billion acquiring and sustaining military equipment. CASG employs nearly 5000 people in around 70 locations in Austra- lia and overseas. CASG manages the delivery of more than 161 complex projects and 109 sustainment products in partnership with industry. These nationally significant projects are unparalleled in their size, cost, timescale, risk profile and level of technological complexity to deliver cutting edge capabilities to the Australian De- fence Force (ADF). CASG works closely with industry to ensure these projects are executed effectively and efficiently in line with contracted requirements to ensure the required level of capability is de- livered to the ADF on behalf of Government. CASG has five domains which work with De- fence industry to purchase and maintain mili- tary equipment: • Air • Land • Maritime • Joint Systems • Business Management CASG has implemented a ‘smart buyer’ framework which is reliant on enhanced rela- tionships with industry which provides exper- tise in managing projects during the acquisi- tion and sustainment phases. CASG expects industry support to Defence to be both effective (meeting contracted requirements) and efficient (delivering on agreed cost reduction targets over the life of contracts). Defence and industry continue to work together to strengthen relationships, improve performance and innovate. Further Information Capability Acquisition and Sustainment Group Department of Defence PO Box 7953 Canberra BC 2610 W:


Postal Address: Chief Information Officer Group Department of Defence PO Box 7953, CANBERRA BC ACT 2610

The Chief Information Officer Group (CIOG) is responsible for providing a dependable, se- cure and integrated information environment, capable of supporting Defence’s operational and management requirements. The Defence information environment oper- ates across geographically dispersed, fixed CIOG engages broadly with industry to de- velop and support Information and Commu- nication Technology (ICT) systems to provide capability and solutions to the Defence user community, and to support ADF operations. Defence recognises the responsibility and need for the department to stimulate the local market and to establish a robust and capable sovereign supply chain in research and devel- opment, ICT hosting innovation, investment in local platforms, fostering of indigenous talent and capabilities and opportunity for domes- tic suppliers to participate. Accordingly, the Australian Industry Capability (AIC) Program applies across industry and capabilities, in- cluding ICT. The Government is committed to maximising opportunities for Australian indus- try participation in Defence contracts, where it represents value for money, and delivering more opportunities for Australian small busi- nesses. The AIC Program seeks to maximise opportunities for Australian industry participa- tion in Defence procurement with the aim of developing an enduring Australian defence industrial base. CIOG uses AusTender and other procurement mechanisms, as appropriate, to inform and engage with industry on ICT initiatives, priori- ties and opportunities. WHOLE OF GOVERNMENT ICT PROCUREMENT CONTEXT CIOG engages industry through a variety of Whole of Government agreements including the DTA digital marketplaces. Defence has created a strategic panel, the ICT Provider Arrangement which was established in 2018. The ICTPA is the primary mechanism for in- dustry engagement with Defence for ICT ca- pabilities and services. Further Information Directorate of Procurement Shared Services - ICT Non Material Procurement Branch E: W: Chief Information Officer: Stephen Pearson and deployable locations. ENGAGING INDUSTRY

ESTATE AND INFRASTRUCTURE GROUP Defence’s Estate and Infrastructure Group (E&IG) is the area of Defence responsible for supporting the Australian Defence Force and the whole Defence organisation in meeting their capability objectives by managing and sustaining the Defence estate of land, build- ings and infrastructure. E&IG is the consolidated service delivery or- ganisation for Defence, delivering a range of services such as housing, maintenance and base support. E&IG’s responsibilities include supporting the ADF and the Department of Defence through the provision of services such as ADF hous- ing, travel services, and contracts that provide catering, cleaning and grounds maintenance services. E&IG manages and sustains the Defence es- tate of land, buildings and infrastructure, in- cluding managing contracts for the construc- tion of major new facilities and the repairs and maintenance of existing facilities, as well as the disposal of excess properties and environmen- tal heritage policy. ENGAGING WITH INDUSTRY The day-to-day operations of E&IG are deliv- ered in partnership with industry. Working with industry to deliver products and services to Defence is an integral component of Defence’s business as it strives to enhance and sustain Defence capability. Working with Defence is attractive for industry. Each year E&IG awards contracts for various categories, including: • Infrastructure – including the management and delivery of construction services, design and development, project management and specialist technical services


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