Aust + NZ Defence Directory 2021-22


SOVEREIGN CAPABILITY FOR BOSCH REXROTH AUSTRALIA IS TO BECOME TECHNOLOGY PARTNERS WITH OUR CUSTOMERS B osch Rexroth Australia was founded in 1987 with a key focus on providing high quality products and solutions to Australian manufacturers. Today, 34 years later, the business has matured and provides complete sovereign capability to industries across multiple sectors such as mining, agriculture, manufacturing, defence and many more. The landscape and remote nature of Australia and its industry proves to be a unique challenge, a challenge that has confirmed that localisation is the key! Bosch Rexroth is a division of the Bosch Group, a multinational with a global footprint encom- passing 60+ countries, 395,000 employees, operating in diverse business sectors of Mobility Solutions, Industrial Technology, Energy & Building Technology and Consumer Goods. The Bosch Group in Australia employs around 1300 associates, trainees and apprentices. Bosch Rexroth Australia has 9 operating locations with 300+ employees. Our Head Office is located in Kings Park - NSW and is the heart of our Australian Sovereign Capability in the form of a Design, Engineering, Manufacturing, Warehousing and Logistics hub.

Rod Elvin Sales & Service Director Bosch Rexroth Australia

Our Manufacturing in Australia is born not only from necessity, but from a global approach within Bosch Rexroth that “to be global, we must go local”. We continue to grow with our core competency of Hydraulic Components, Systems and Power Units manufactured in Kings Park meeting demanding technical and quality standards from many industry sectors however, our Assembly Technologies and Factory Automa- tion equipment is also quickly becoming a benchmark for Australian manufacturers. An example is the recently supplied transfer system sub-assemblies manufactured to order for Bosch Australia Manufacturing Solutions (BAMS), used in the manufacturing of at home COVID testing kits. Most of our engineered to order projects executed in Australia (including Defence) have a very high Australian Contract Expen- diture, typically 60-80%. Our approach to sovereign capability is somewhat holistic, not only can we provide engineered to order systems and equipment, we have the capability to supply an end to end approach supported by our Australia wide sales and service activities. Combined with our $35m + local inventory holding, we provide the necessary sovereign security in times of global market turmoil. Given the unique situation of Bosch Rexroth supporting and suppling locally and globally to the Primes, OEM’s, SME’s and when the Prime is no longer supporting the DoD direct for heritage programmes, our inventory is critical and a part of sovereign security. Furthermore, we have a stable local supply chain of around 1500 suppliers with critical partnerships that have been supported for 20+ years. To support our activities, we invest in our infrastructure and associates. In 2012 we opened a purpose-built facility in Brisbane, March 2017 we opened a new facility in Perth and June 2021 saw us move into our new purpose-built Advanced Manufacturing Centre at the Bosch Australia Clayton site in Melbourne. This $17m investment is significant and will facilitate our regional growth strategy. Sovereign capability for Bosch Rexroth Australia is to become technology partners with our customers, providing state of the art technical solutions and systems in Hydraulics, Automation, Industrial Applications, I4.0 and Advanced Manufacturing. This propels Australian manufac- turers into a best in class capability space, enabling critical partnerships to be developed locally in Australia to achieve the highest possible sovereign capability.


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